2022 has come & gone!

Hello 2023...


A new year is a motivating time to create new goals for yourself and for your home.

Read more to see what we would recommend prioritizing to meet your organizational goals!




Ask yourself — what is one area of your house that comes to mind when you think of clutter?

Is it your junk drawer? Or bathroom closet? Or that pile by the door that doesn’t seem to go away?

This is most likely the area that is making you the most overwhelmed.


Instead of ignoring it, let’s reset it!

  • Check your pantry & bathroom for expired dates (Yes, skincare & makeup has expiration too!)

  • Disperse items throughout the house that are not needed in that certain area

  • If you did not use the item in 2022, TOSS/DONATE! Begin the new year with a fresh start!

Amazon favorites for those clutter areas you can’t control…



write things down

Grab your phone or favorite journal and start making lists!

Write down what needs to be done in your personal and work life. Create to-dos on your phone so you have lists on you at all times.

Apps like Notes, Asana, and MinimaList are a few of our favorites. If you’re more of a pen-to-paper person, we linked a few journals and a calendar.




Before taking a trip to the store, take inventory of your fridge, bathroom, closet, or wherever you’re buying for!

Check to make sure you don't have back-stock!

Avoid mindless shopping, focus on quality over quantity.

Ask yourself:

  • Why am I buying this?

  • Do I need this?

  • Do I already have this?

  • What do the reviews say?



we can help you reset!